Jan Theunis
Hasselt, Belgium
Hiking around Nature Reserve Eggertingen
11.4 km
Parking: Brandstraat Guigoven (near the church). Signage: Walking app or GPS. The majority of the walk can follow waypoi... read more
© Stadia Maps © OpenStreetMap contributors, © NodeMapp
Put on your hiking shoes and discover the most beautiful hiking routes in Schalkhoven (Bilzen-Hoeselt)! You will also see all places where hiking nodes are currently available.
Pathfinders are hikers who share their hiking adventures in Schalkhoven (Bilzen-Hoeselt) with you.
Looking for an adventure? Try our 'Surprise Me' feature! Enter your preferences below, and we will suggest a number of hikes using the hiking nodes in Schalkhoven (Bilzen-Hoeselt). The routes are calculated in real-time using the hiking node network.
11.4 km
Parking: Brandstraat Guigoven (near the church). Signage: Walking app or GPS. The majority of the walk can follow waypoi... read more
7.9 km
Parking: At the church of Gors (Gors-Opleeuw) Martinusstraat. Signage: Virtual nodes. You can also follow the blue walk ... read more
8.5 km
Parking: Mulkerstraat 1, Tongeren. Signposting: Junctions or NodeMapp app/GPS. Walking through the open fields of Haspen... read more
20.3 km
Parking: Tongeren, Fonteindreef (spacious parking) Signposting: Hiking junctions app or GPS. You start in the direction ... read more
8.8 km
Parking: Very spacious parking at the Hasseltsesteenweg (opposite the Schendestraat). Wimmertingen (Hasselt) Signage: No... read more
The Route Planner Pro has changed a bit on our new website. The ability to plan routes that deviate from the hiking network is now integrated into our node planner (continue reading below image):
If you open our route planner, you can press the magnet symbol in the upper right corner. If you then choose Offgrid (auto) (automatic route planning) or Offgrid (manual) (connecting places manually), you can select places on the map and plan a route that deviates (partially or completely) from the hiking network.
You can switch between Node and Offgrid mode to create a route that runs partly along nodes and partly away from the node network.
The Route Planner Pro has changed a bit on our new website. The ability to plan routes that deviate from the bicycle network is now integrated into our node planner (read more below image):
If you surf to our route planner, you can press the magnet symbol in the upper right corner. If you then choose Offgrid (auto) (automatic route planning) or Offgrid (manual) (connecting places manually), you can select places on the map and plan a route that deviates (partially or completely) from the biking network.
You can switch between Node and Offgrid mode to create a route that runs partly along nodes and partly away from the node network.
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With this QR-code or text code you can login to our app. Open the login screen of the NodeMapp Hike app or NodeMapp Bike app and press the button with the QR-code. In the same screen, you can also enter the text code (case sensitive!) if you prefer.
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