11.5 km • Pajottegem
official route
7301 0 0/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Sint-Pieterkerk, Geraardbergsestraat, 1541 Sint-Pieters-Kapelle
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
You leave at the church of St. Peter's Chapel, which also houses the statue of the champetter. This bronze statue is of the last champetter, Petrus Ferbiest, who proclaimed all kinds of news from his calling stone after Sunday mass.
Characteristic of Herne are the 4 landscape cubes, all works of art integrated into the Pajot landscape. On this hike, you pass cube 'Dulle Griet' from where you have a beautiful view of the winding roads and large and small farms. The cube is also an ideal rest or picnic spot.
automatic translation
nodes to follow
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3.8 km
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8.9 km
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11.4 km