6.2 km • Keerbergen
official route
2.0182 4 3.6/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Gemeenteplein, 3140 Keerbergen
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
From the center of Keerbergen you walk to the Broekelei nature reserve, created from an ice age peat meander. The melting waters of the Demer and Dijle Rivers brought so much sand that you can still find it in the subsoil today. The sand, loam and clay provide a rich fauna and flora in a landscape of wet and dry woods, grasslands, pools, streams and ditches. Five bunkers in the landscape - remnants of WWII - are set up as hibernation sites for bats. You also step through the birth forest, a 1997 initiative of the Environmental Group.
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nodes to follow
0 km
1 km
1.5 km
2.1 km
3 km
4.5 km
4.7 km
5 km
5.9 km
6.5 km
Friday, February 10, 2023 by Luc WullaertA beautiful piece of nature combined with the obligatory Keerberg villa district. The gaudy and/or ugly houses you have to put up with.
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Wednesday, September 1, 2021 by K.S.Very nice route, mainly with the dog. Parts paved, but quiet, part dike, part forest. I have done it several times!
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Sunday, May 24, 2020 by P.H.A nice walk, the parts on paved roads are along quiet roads so it does not bother. For the kids an ice cream as a reward in the market square was a nice extra.
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Monday, May 27, 2019 by M.A.I happened to come across this hike and have done it(me and my husband) with the intention of hiking it with our club,first we did the whole hike and a few days later a shortened version because there are some of our members who can't handle the full km anymore.What we noticed is that the pole with the junction number 94 was gone after a few days fortunately that pole was there the first time otherwise I think we would have gotten lost.
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