Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
Fox in the Forest
2.5 km
On the occasion of Forest Week (Oct. 10-17), we are plotting a special walk for you during the month of October. Get car... read more
3430 0 0/5
On this page, you will find an overview of the most beautiful hiking routes of Toerisme Bierbeek. Follow us to always discover our latest hiking routes!
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
2.5 km
On the occasion of Forest Week (Oct. 10-17), we are plotting a special walk for you during the month of October. Get car... read more
3430 0 0/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
3.7 km
A temporary quest for the whole family. Pick up the brochure at the Tourist Office in the borre, Bierbeek and join our q... read more
2270 0 0/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
3.9 km
A temporary quest for the whole family. Pick up the brochure at the Tourist Office in the borre, Bierbeek and join our q... read more
1700 0 0/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
6.7 km
A walk in downtown-Bierbeek in which the theme of water is central in many aspects and which creates a connecting functi... read more
2.2700 1 4/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
8 km
The Vuilenbos walk leaves from the Velpe parking lot in Opvelp. boots are necessary in rainy weather. Difficult with the... read more
1.0460 0 0/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
6.5 km
The Merbeek Walk starts at the Cultural Center 't Sticheltje, in Lovenjoel. Boots are necessary in rainy weather. Not po... read more
8790 0 0/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
9 km
The Tribe Walk C, starts from the Cultural Center 't Sticheltje in Lovenjoel. Boots are necessary in rainy weather. Diff... read more
8491 1 3.5/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
7.3 km
The Tribe Walk B, starts from the Cultural Center 't Sticheltje in Lovenjoel. Boots are necessary in rainy weather. Diff... read more
2240 0 0/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
6.4 km
The Tribe Walk A, starts from the Cultural Center 't Sticheltje in Lovenjoel. Boots are necessary in rainy weather. Poss... read more
6690 0 0/5
Toerisme Bierbeek
Bierbeek, Belgium
8.6 km
The Varenberg walk B, starts from the Koning Albertlaan -¨Pimberg. This walk is 1 km longer than the A walk. Boots a... read more
7890 1 3/5