36.8 km • Affligem
official route
2.0121 6 2.9/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Abdij van Affligem, Abdijstraat 6, 1790 Affligem
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
Start at the impressive Affligem Abbey and discover with this undulating route a surprising piece of green close to Brussels. You cycle through what was for centuries one of the richest hop-growing areas in Europe, along the hop fields of Affligem, Asse and Opwijk (field is 500 m from the route). You cycle a bit on the Leirekensroute, the old railroad line between Londerzeel and Aalst. The route contains a number of unpaved roads and cobbled paths.
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nodes to follow
0 km
3.6 km
4.2 km
5.9 km
7.5 km
10.2 km
11.2 km
15.5 km
17.2 km
20.1 km
25.9 km
26.2 km
29.1 km
34.7 km
35.3 km
36.8 km
Thursday, August 6, 2020 by H.V.Today we went cycling away from home.We are very disappointed with this trail , cobblestone roads, gravel roads and many villas and no sights . This hopper route is not worth its name , only one field seen . Parts of this route can be used for mountain biking .
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Sunday, July 26, 2020 by M.D.Pebble lanes, cobblestones, slippery narrow lanes. There are much nicer routes than this.
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Sunday, October 7, 2018 by F.C.A few, but only a few nice pictures. Too many allotment roads and busy highways. This region could be better!
Download seemed more reliable to us than the junction series. Kudos for the clear indication of the detour to node 9.
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Friday, October 5, 2018 by Ted WoestenborghsAlready quite hilly with sometimes difficult roads but you.get beautiful pictures in return
1 hopfield seen
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Thursday, April 27, 2017 by J.R.Beautiful route, beautiful scenery and very quiet places discovered. Do recommend with sturdy bike for some unpaved roads.
We rode the tour with a tandem mtb. So no problem for us . We thought it was successful!
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016 by H.V.Nice little roads. Nice route with some terraces.
Still a total of about three kilometers of cobblestones and dirt roads.
Not recommended during or after rainy weather.
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