Padre bike route
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43.5 km • Lierde
official route
2.2570 4 3.9/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Nieuwstraat 19, 9570 Lierde
The route is fully signposted with thematic signs (no nodes).
A route in and around neighboring towns of Lierde and Herzele. The fathers to whom the route refers lived in the imposing Carthusian priory of Sint-Martens-Lierde. Saint Livinus is permanently commemorated there with the regional beer Father Lieven. Take a peaceful tour through a distinctly rural area with a fascinating history.
TheFather cycle routeis offered to you byRouten, an initiative of Tourism East Flanders.
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Friday, April 10, 2020 by Ben StandaertBeautiful, tough bike trail! Well marked, just too bad about a short unpaved stretch towards the end in Herzele. Not ideal for road bikes.
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Saturday, March 14, 2020 by Peter VandecasteeleA very tough but beautiful route! Everything is well marked!
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Thursday, April 25, 2019 by Herman Van DammeA very beautiful but tough route that lets you discover the beauty of the region around Herzele and Lierde while cycling.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2017 by W.V.Attention : there are ground works on the cycle path from Herzele to Sint-Lievens-Esse over a distance of 1 km, very annoying situation. Best is to cycle from Herzele directly to Sint-Lievens-Esse and join the route there at the brewery. Also another very nasty unpaved section Ter Goten in Herzele.
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