Cycling route for discovering Oostkamp and Zedelgem
35.6 km • Zedelgem
official route
2.0186 0 0/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Eninkstraat 36, 8210 Zedelgem, Belgium
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
Looking for a bike ride for your partner, friends, or family? Then this route is perfect. Explore the green and cultural landscape of West Flanders during a cycling adventure in Oostkamp and Zedelgem. Look around you and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Take regular breaks at nice spots and relax. Strengthen both your body and mind with this bike tour. Let's hit the road!
automatic translation
nodes to follow
0 km
5.2 km
7.8 km
9.7 km
13.1 km
15.7 km
16.5 km
20.3 km
23.8 km
28.2 km
29.3 km
31.8 km
34.3 km
35 km
35.5 km