Route langs pelgrimswegen
20 km • Scherpenheuvel-Zichem
official route
6653 0 0/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Toerismekantoor, Isabellaplein 1
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
Explore pilgrimage site Scherpenheuvel and bike to Zichem, where you can climb the Tower of the Virgin. Stop in Diest to visit the beguinage and be guided by the ancient oak of Kagevinne.
This route was developed for Open Monument Day 2024 by Tourism Flemish Brabant and Herita. For some activities, the route deviates from the nodes; there you follow the local signage of Open Monument Day.
automatic translation
nodes to follow
0 km
2.9 km
3.2 km
3.4 km
3.6 km
5.8 km
6.2 km
7.5 km
8.5 km
9.3 km
9.6 km
10.5 km
10.8 km
10.8 km
10.9 km
11.1 km
17.5 km
20 km